Our Expertise
Our Expertise lies in the knowledge and experience gained from over 10 years in the event production industry right here in Portland and over 30 years of Operations and Logistics work. We have built reliable relationships with the People and the Bureaus at the City, County and State agencies that issue the permits you will need to produce your Events. We have learned the ins and outs of the Permit Application procedures and who to talk to to get things done. We know how to navigate the Permitting procedure so you don't have to.
Single Day/Venue Events
Block parties, Fundraisers, Corporate or Ad Promotions are the most common Single Day Events anywhere. We can help determine the best way to permit and help you produce your event. Or, We can connect you with the resources, Public and private, you need to produce it yourself.
Event Permitting
We have experience getting permits for all types and sizes of events. Do you know if you will need a Propane Permit? Temporary Site Permit? OLCC License? Sidewalk use Permit? Street Closure Permit? Noise Variance? TCP?
The answer is; Most likely yes... maybe...
Let us help you navigate the permit system and get you just what you need for a safe fun event.
Large Scale Events & Festivals
We have the experience permitting and producing Large scale, multi-day events and festivals that require permits and coordination from multiple City, County and State agencies as well as Police, Private Security Emergency Medical response.